Chapter 12: MicroProfile LRA and the Future of MicroProfile
You have reached the final chapter of this book. Congratulations on making it this far! In this final chapter, we will briefly discuss the newly released MicroProfile Long-Running Action (LRA) and then look at the future of MicroProfile.
While writing this book, MicroProfile LRA 1.0 was released to address the need for microservice transactions. A traditional transaction, as we all must know, is a movement of money, such as an online payment or a withdrawal of money from a bank. In a traditional application, you normally use technologies such as the two-phase commit or eXtended Architecture (XA) protocol to manage transactions. However, these technologies do not suit cloud-native application transactions. In this chapter, we will explore how MicroProfile addresses the need to manage cloud-native transactions. We also will have a look at the transaction architecture for cloud-native applications. After that, we will take...