Create a VM
On the destination folder or data center:
- Virtual machine | Inventory | Create new
- Virtual machine | Configuration | Add new disk (if creating a new virtual disk)
- Virtual machine | Configuration | Add existing disk (if using an existing virtual disk)
- Virtual machine | Configuration | Raw device (if using an RDM or SCSI pass-through device)
On the destination host, cluster, or resource pool, navigate to Resource | Assign virtual machine to resource pool
Resource pool administrator or administrator
On the destination data store or the folder that contains the data store, navigate to Datastore | Allocate space
Data store consumer or administrator
On the network that the VM will be assigned to, navigate to Network | Assign network
Network consumer or administrator
Power on a VM
On the data center in which the VM is deployed, navigate to Virtual machine | Interaction | Power On
VM power user or administrator
On the VM or the folder of VMs, navigate to Virtual machine | Interaction | Power On
Deploy a VM from a template
On the destination folder or data center, navigate to Virtual machine | Inventory | Create from existing or Virtual machine | Configuration | Add new disk
On a template or folder of templates, navigate to Virtual machine | Provisioning | Deploy template
On the destination host, cluster, or resource pool, navigate to Resource | Assign virtual machine to resource pool
On the destination data store or folder of data stores, navigate to Datastore | Allocate space
Data store consumer or administrator |
On the network that the VM will be assigned to, navigate to Network | Assign network
Network consumer or administrator |
Take a VM snapshot
On the VM or a folder of virtual machines, navigate to Virtual machine | Snapshot management | Create snapshot
VM power user or administrator
Install a guest operating system on a VM
On the VM or folder of VMs, navigate to:
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Answer question
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Console interaction
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Device connection
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Power Off
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Power On
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Reset
- Virtual machine | Interaction | Configure CD media (if installing from a CD) or
Configure floppy media (if installing from a floppy disk)
- Virtual machine | Interaction | VMware Tools install
VM power user or administrator
On a data store that contains the installation media ISO image, navigate to Datastore | Browse datastore (if installing from an ISO image on a data store)
On the data store to which you upload the installation media ISO image, navigate to Datastore | Browse datastore or Datastore | Low level file operations
Migrate a VM with vMotion
On the VM or folder of VMs, navigate to:
- Resource | Migrate powered on virtual machine
- Resource | Assign Virtual Machine to Resource Pool (if the destination is a different resource pool from the source)
Resource pool administrator or administrator
On the destination host, cluster, or resource pool (if they are different from the source), navigate to:
- Resource | Assign virtual machine to resource pool
Cold migrate (relocate) a VM
On the VM or folder of VMs, navigate to:
- Resource | Migrate powered off virtual machine
- Resource | Assign virtual machine to resource pool (if the destination is a different resource pool from the source)
Resource pool administrator or administrator
On the destination host, cluster, or resource pool (if different from the source), navigate to:
- Resource | Assign virtual machine to resource pool
On the destination data store (if it is different from the source), navigate to Datastore | Allocate space
Data store consumer or administrator |
Migrate a VM with Storage vMotion
On the VM or folder of VMs, navigate to Resource | Migrate powered on virtual machine
Resource pool administrator or administrator
On the destination data store, navigate to Datastore | Allocate space
Data store consumer or administrator