Final thoughts and project wrap up: It's all about graceful degrading
As with everything you do with jQuery, you need to keep in mind that you're creating useful enhancements that are great to have, but if for some reason a user didn't have JavaScript enabled or available, the process or site won't break.
Our client is very happy with our seamless registration solution. Going through the registration process with JavaScript disabled, the registration process does work just fine using the standard browser back keys. The only drawback I find is that the registration form loads up outside of the WordPress theme, which is what we had to do so it would load in nicely into the ColorBox modal window.
On the whole, I don't think this is that big of a problem. Going through my various website stats, I'm hard-pressed to find a visitor who didn't have JavaScript enabled. The two or three who didn't were probably in text-only browsers, so a lack of WordPress theming would probably not be noticed at all...