Managing unmanaged with Webmin
One could argue that an added interface, a GUI, is an extra attack-route into a server. Then again, properly secured, security risks can be all but mitigated. There is also the mantra that says that complexity is the enemy of security. So if terminal use is complex, sometimes we need a compromise.
For those with shared hosting, this isn't an issue. Having cPanel, Plesk or similar is a given. With unmanaged hosting, there will be a control panel too, but this is likely a sparse affair, perhaps with DNS management, but essentially to launch server distributions or add resources. Some of us could do with more and, if a CP is an encouragement to help understand a server's functionality and to assist in keeping it secure, have one.
A quick glance at the CP market uncovers dozens of options but, for general needs, these can be whittled down to just a few. Some, such as the prettily chromed cPanel, are pricey and, in terms of functionality, there are free alternatives...