Chapter 5. EJB Tuning in WildFly
In this chapter, we will go through the different types of Enterprise JavaBeans from an optimization perspective. We will talk about the common best practices, look at their configurations within WildFly in more detail, and introduce Enterprise JavaBeans. An Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) is a component whose purpose is to encapsulate business logic and make various types of interfaces available. The encapsulation is performed by letting the EJBs methods expose what services should be visible for a client. A client can both be local (that is, within the same deployed artifact: EAR or WAR) or remote.
An EJB is basically a Plain-Old-Java-Object (POJO) that runs in a server-side environment, providing patterns and best practices for common services such as thread-safe code, transactions, security, and remote access. For EJBs, this environment is called an EJB container, and you can regard an EJB as a portable component that needs this container to be able...