Hosting options
When it comes to hosting Blazor, there are many options. Any cloud service that can host ASP.NET Core sites should be able to run Blazor without any problems.
We need to think about some things, so let’s go through the options one by one.
Hosting Blazor Server/InteractiveServer
If the cloud provider can enable/disable WebSockets, we want to enable them since that’s the protocol used by SignalR.
Sometimes, the cloud provider may support .NET Core 3.x but not .NET 8 out of the box. But don’t worry; by making sure to publish our application with the deployment mode as self-contained, we make sure the deployment also adds any files necessary to run the project (this might not be true for all hosting providers).
This is also a good thing to do to make sure that we are running on the exact framework version we expect.
Hosting InteractiveWebAssembly
InteractiveWebAssembly is using a .NET Core backend (like we do for the blog...