Creating Terrain, Deco Layers, and Material Layers
This recipe covers the basics of adding a Terrain to your scene, and shows how StaticMesh actors can be distributed over its surface. We also look at brushes that can touch up the HeightMap to support meshes on the deco layer, and then improve the look of the terrain's surface by adding decals. We don't cover everything involved in terrain editing, since you can probably make your own inroads after doing this example. Also, the Terrain tool is somewhat overshadowed by the newer Landscape tool, and its accompanying addition Foliage which takes over the role of Deco Layers. Still, both tools are powerful. A terrain can even be converted into a landscape later on.
How to do it...
Create a new Blank Map and go to the main menu and choose Tools | New Terrain. Give it dimensions of
32 x 32
.In the Content Browser, highlight the Material M_ASC_Floor_BSP_Tile01.
Enter Terrain Editing Mode (Shift + 3). Right-click in the space below the HeightMap...