Sending SMS messages in a phone call
We've handled all other sorts of SMS messages, but what about sending an SMS during a phone call? This recipe will send an SMS message to anyone who calls our phone number.
Getting ready
The complete source code for this recipe can be found in the Chapter6/Recipe7/
How to do it...
This recipe will show you how to build a simple app that will send an SMS to the person who called your phone number.
to your server as follows:<?php $people = array( "+14158675309"=>"Curious George", "+14158675310"=>"Boots", "+14158675311"=>"Virgil" ); if(!$name = $people[$_REQUEST['From']]) { $name = "Monkey"; } header("content-type: text/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; ?> <Response> <Say>Hello <?php echo $name ?>.</Say> <Sms><?php echo $name ?>, thanks for the call!</Sms> </Response>
Finally, you have to point your...