Base Architecture
The base architecture covers architectural, technical, and organizational decisions that are preset for a product or service development project (Tim Weilkiens, Jesko G. Lamm, Stephan Roth, Markus Walker. Model-Based System Architecture. Wiley. 2015).
Nearly no development project starts from scratch. A car has four wheels, an aircraft two wings, and a smartphone has a touch display. These are technical decisions that are typically not part of the design space but are already fixed at the beginning of the project as part of the requirements.
The base architecture sets this starting point and opens or narrows the design space for the system or service in development.
Figure 4.18 shows the sketch of a base architecture of a forest fire detection system (FFDS) taken from the book Model-Based System Architecture (Tim Weilkiens, Jesko G. Lamm, Stephan Roth, Markus Walker. Model-Based System Architecture. Wiley. 2015):