Exploring Live’s MIDI effects
There are a great number of MIDI effects that we can access in the browser:
Figure 5.36 – MIDI effects in the browser
Some of the MIDI effects in Figure 5.36 are from Packs and Max for Live devices. If you are an owner of a Live Suite license, you can download these from Packs under Places in the browser.
MIDI effects will only work on MIDI tracks, since they will be manipulating the MIDI data before it hits the inserted instrument on the track, which will convert this MIDI data into an audio signal.
We can simply drag and drop MIDI effects onto MIDI tracks. They will be inserted before the instrument that the MIDI notes are triggering.
We can load multiple MIDI effects onto a track, and we can also load the same MIDI effects onto the same track multiple times.
Let’s dive in now and take a look at what these MIDI effects can do!
The Arpeggiator device will create a...