8: Sample test
This chapter contains a sample test. The questions are written in a similar format to the real exam questions, but they are not real exam questions. Posting real exam questions online or in a book is a breach of exam rules and is not something I would ever do. I’m interested in helping you gain real skills and real qualifications – I have no interest in helping anyone cheat to pass exams.
I recommend the following to get the most out of this sample exam.
- Get a pen and paper to record your answers
- Write the numbers 1-60 on the paper before you start
- Write each answer against the question number on the paper
- Time yourself (90 minutes)
The number of questions per topic matches the weight of each topic in the exam. For example, the Kubernetes fundamentals domain accounts for 46% of the exam, so 46% of the questions in this test are about Kubernetes fundamentals.
The answers to the questions start on page 175, in the paperback, and include explanations...