What this book covers
Chapter 1, Reading and Writing JSON on the Client, gives you recipes to read and write JSON in a number of client environments, including JavaScript, C#, C++, Java, Perl, and Python.
Chapter 2, Reading and Writing JSON on the Server, goes the other way, looking at JSON on typical server-side languages such as Clojure, C#, Node.js, PHP, and Ruby. Of course, you can write client-side applications with these languages, as well, just as you can write a server in C# or Java. So the division of recipes between these chapters is somewhat arbitrary; pick a language and dive in!
Chapter 3, Using JSON in Simple AJAX Applications, shows you how to apply JSON for data exchange with today's browsers.
Chapter 4, Using JSON in AJAX Applications with jQuery and AngularJS, discusses how to use JSON with two popular web frameworks, jQuery and Angular.
Chapter 5, Using JSON with MongoDB, shows you how MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, uses JSON for its stored document format and gives you recipes to use MongoDB as a REST service in your web applications.
Chapter 6, Using JSON with CouchDB, shows you how CouchDB, another popular NoSQL database, uses JSON and how you can use CouchDB as a standalone REST service in your web applications.
Chapter 7, Using JSON in a Type-safe Manner, looks at how you can adapt the type-free nature of JSON with the type safety provided by languages such as C#, Java, and TypeScript to reduce programming errors in your application.
Chapter 8, Using JSON for Binary Data Transfer, shows you how, even though JSON is a text-based document format, you can still use it to move binary data around if you have to do so.
Chapter 9, Querying JSON with JSONPath and LINQ, has recipes on how you can write queries against JSON documents to obtain just the slice of data you're looking for. This is especially powerful when combined with the recipes from Chapters 5, Using JSON with MongoDB, and Chapter 6, Using JSON with CouchDB.
Chapter 10, JSON on Mobile Platforms, shows you recipes for using JSON in mobile applications that use Android, iOS, and Qt.