Generating output
It sure feels good to get a nice drawing put together from a SketchUp model, but now, we need to get these pages out into the real world! There are three options when it comes to generating output from LayOut – printed drawings, digital drawings, and file exports. Let’s explore why we may want any one of these types of output and touch briefly on how to generate them.
Generating printed drawings
For years and years, hard copy drawings have been a staple of almost every fabrication or building industry. In the world of building design and fabrication, these started as hand-drawn images that were eventually replaced by computer-generated 2D imagery. As much as we all talk about “going paperless,” the fact is that many workflows end with someone somewhere printing out a stack of paper that represents the process that needs to be performed to transform a 3D model into reality. If you find yourself needing that stack of paper, LayOut has...