If your system has non-straightforward needs with regard to information, its processing flow, management process, or storage, perhaps it's a good idea to include this kind of view.
Take the most important, data-rich entities and demonstrate how they flow through the system, who owns them, and who the producers and consumers are. It may be useful to mark how long certain data remains "fresh" and when it can be safely discarded, what the expected latency for it to arrive at certain points of the system is, or how to deal with identifiers if your system works in a distributed environment. If your system manages transactions, this process, along with any rollbacks, should also be clear to your stakeholders. Techniques for transforming, sending, and persisting data can also be important for some of them. If you are operating in the financial domain or have to deal with personal data, you most probably must obey some regulations, so describe how your system plans...