Redis anti-patterns
Redis is a favorite data store of many developers due to its raw performance. However, it is important to make sure that it is being used properly, otherwise, problems can and will occur.
Dataset cannot fit into RAM
Redis' greatest asset is its speed, due to the fact that data is written to and read from RAM. If your dataset cannot fit into RAM, then disk I/O begins to enter the picture (as memory is swapped to disk) and performance can quickly degrade.
Larger-than-RAM datasets were previously managed in Redis by a feature known as disk store, but it has since been deprecated.
Modeling relational data
Several good tools exist for storing, serving, and managing relational data; Redis is not one of them. As Redis requires a query-based modeling approach, reading relational data may require multiple operations and potentially application-side joins. Additionally, Redis is not an ACID-compliant database, which can further complicate write operations if the relational-like...