Sharing Scratch 1.4 projects
If you've been working with Scratch for a while, you were probably using Scratch 1.4. The great news is that with Scratch 2.0 you can upload projects from the older version of Scratch to the newer version of Scratch. This is a nice and easy process.
Getting ready
Create your account on the Scratch website and be sure you are logged in. Open up Scratch.
How to do it...
Follow these steps:
Click on the File menu.
Select the option Upload from your computer.
Navigate through the folders on your computer to find the file you want to upload to the Scratch community.
Your file will upload into Scratch 2.0 and you can save it there as any other Scratch 2.0 file.
Note that once you upload a file to Scratch 2.0 from Scratch 1.4, you can't go in the other direction and bring it back to Scratch 1.4. This is pretty common with most software and programming.