- abstractions
- about / Abstractions
- abstract override method / Scala's easy and breezy decorations – stackable modifications
- accumulator idiom / Persistent data structures
- Akka
- about / Akka actors take the stage
- actors / Akka actors take the stage
- apply() factory method
- using / The apply() factory method
- autoboxing / Memoization and the flyweight pattern
- auto_ptr template
- reference link / The loan pattern
- base case / Recursive structures
- boilerplate
- about / The loan pattern
- Builder pattern
- using / Builders
- overloaded constructors, using / Ease of object creation
- named arguments, using / Scala shines again
- case class, using / Scala shines again
- cached / Call by name
- cake pattern / A taste of the cake pattern
- call by name technique / Call by name
- case statements
- used, for deconstruction / Deconstruction with...