Addendum to HMMs
In the previous chapter, we discussed how it's possible to train a HMM using the forward-backward algorithm and we have seen that it is a particular application of the EM algorithm. The reader can now understand the internal dynamic in terms of E and M steps. In fact, the procedure starts with randomly initialized A and B matrices and proceeds in an alternating manner:
- E-Step:
- The estimation of the probability αtij that the HMM is in the state i at time t and in the state j at time t+1 given the observations and the current parameter estimations (A and B)
- The estimation of the probability βti that the HMM is in the state i at time t given the observations and the current parameter estimations (A and B)
- M-Step:
- Computing the new estimation for the transition probabilities aij (A) and for the emission probabilities bip (B)
The procedure is repeated until the convergence is reached. Even if there's no explicit definition of a Q function, the E-step determines a split expression...