Checking browsing history
On Linux-based systems, as on Windows, most popular browsers store their data in SQLite databases. For example, Firefox stores its history in the places.sqlite
file located in /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release
, and Chrome stores its history in the history
file from /home/user/.config/google-chrome/Default
. If you've managed to retrieve these files from memory during the filesystem recovery process, that's fine. But of course, this will not always be the case. If you do not have the standard history files at your disposal, you will have to search for information about the visited resources in process memory. In some ways, this approach is even more versatile in that it allows you to obtain data on the visited websites regardless of the browser and history storage formats that are used.
The process of accessing an individual process's memory will not be as straightforward as it is in Windows. To give you an example, let's take...