The JDBC data source
The first type of data source in the list, and the most used one, is the JDBC data source. JDBC is an API for the Java language, which defines how a client may access a database. It provides methods to query (and update) data in a database and is oriented towards relational databases. See for further details.
Once selected, a modal window, similar to the following one, appears:
The window contains two main sections: the connections (on the left) and the queries (on the right). The next two sections will introduce all the features for both the panels.
Adding or editing a JDBC connection
Even if the connection panel contains some SampleData
 connections, you can see here how to add a new one or how to edit an existing one. In the connection panel of the window, you can see:
- A pencil icon () used to edit an existing connection
- A green plus icon () used to add a new connection to the list of the available ones
- A red icon ...