There are two kinds of issues. The ones we have seen already are generated through thresholds. You may also create issues directly. To view issues, click on the exclamation icon, which looks like the following screenshot:

Or choose from the main menu Project | Issues. This screen shows all issues within any currently open projects. Note that the first one was generated from a threshold, easily identified by its unique issue name.

An issue can be assigned a Responsible Manager, a Tracking Layout, and Priority, just like a threshold. Date Identified gives the date that the issue was first recognized. The values for Status are: Open, On Hold, and Closed. If an issue is resolved, the Resolution Date can be set.

The Details screen shows more information about the issue. If it was created by a threshold, then the first row of information is filled in, based on the threshold. If it is not associated with a threshold, then all the data on this row will be blank.
An issue must be associated with...