Adding an online data store
In the next chapter, we will start to improve the to-do app to support our revised workflow. Before we do this, we need a place to store our data online, which supports device syncing and user sharing. We'll use CouchDB for this.
CouchDB is a NoSQL database that makes certain things very easy: database synchronization, data access (via a built-in REST endpoint), and user management. There are several places to get a free CouchDB database online. We'll use IBM Cloudant to provide this service.
Creating a Cloudant account
IBM Cloudant is an online database host. It's free as long as your monthly usage is less than $50. One alternative is Iris Couch (, which works in basically the same way. For now, let's use Cloudant:
Open in your browser.
Click on Sign Up.
Choose your credentials.
Click on I agree, sign me up.
Click on Add New Database.
Name your database
.Click on API URL to copy the link to your new database.
Paste the link in a...