The possibilities for using Bootstrap are endless. While we covered a lot of material, we have only touched the surface, and we could have done much more with our Notes application. But since our focus in this book is not on the UI, but on the backend Node.js code, we purposely limited ourselves to making the application work acceptably well on mobile devices.
You learned what the Twitter Bootstrap framework can do by using it to implement a simple responsive website design. Even the little changes we made improved the way the Notes app looks and feels. We also created a customized Bootstrap theme, along with using a third-party theme, to explore how easy it is to make a Bootstrap build look unique.
Now, we want to get back to writing Node.js code. We left off Chapter 5, Your First Express Application, with the problem of persistence, where the Notes application could be stopped and restarted without losing our notes. In Chapter 7, Data Storage and Retrieval, we'll dive into...