Time for action – creating links to websites on the course main page
As far as Moodle is concerned, a link to a file in My private files (or any repository) is just like a link to a web page. This might be a bit confusing at first. The best way to think of it is that you can link to a file or link to a web page. Either way, it's still a link. Return to your course front page and make sure that editing is turned on. If editing is turned on, then you will see the Add a resource… and Add an activity… drop-down menus at the bottom of each week/topic:

In the topic you want to include your link in, click on Add a resource... and choose URL.
Give the new resource a name. It could be just the name of the website you are linking to. I'm going to call mine "Firing a bullet from a gun", because that's what the website I'm linking to is about.
Type a brief description of the website in the Description box.
Copy the address of the web page into the Location field. I'm going to cut and paste my website from...