Using Parcel
When Parcel arrived in the community, the hype around it was massive. The reason for this was to be found in one new feature: configuration-free bundling. Parcel tried to leverage information that was already given in package.json
– or configuration files written for specific tools such as Babel. Using this mechanism, the creators of Parcel thought to remove the complexity of configuring a bundler.
Ultimately, however, the whole aspect backfired in some sense. As mentioned previously, a bundler requires some flexibility. To achieve this kind of flexibility, a sound configuration system is necessary. While the configuration system of Webpack is a bit too verbose and complex, the one provided with esbuild might be a bit too low-level.
The successor of the original Parcel now also offers an optional configuration system, which tries to be right between the verbosity of Webpack and the low-level one of esbuild. This makes Parcel no longer configuration-free, but...