Uploading an existing document to a document library
Document libraries are used to store and manage documents in SharePoint. This recipe shows you how to upload a document that you have already created.
Getting ready
This recipe works for:
SharePoint 2010 Foundation
SharePoint 2010 Standard Edition
SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Edition
Office 365 (SharePoint Online)
You will need a SharePoint site with a document library where you want to upload your document. This recipe uses a SharePoint 2010 Team Site for illustration.
You will need the Contribute permission level to run this recipe.
How to do it...
Open the SharePoint Team Site that you want to upload your document to.
Select the Shared Documents link in the Quick Launch menu.
Select the Add Document link.
The Upload Document dialog is displayed. Click on the Browse... button to locate the document you want to upload.
The Choose File to Upload dialog is displayed showing documents on your computer. Browse to the document that you want to upload...