Configuring POP and IMAP
The last few years Post Office Protocol (POP) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) have become a less attractive way of fetching e-mails from your Exchange server. This is largely because protocols like Exchange ActiveSync have become so popular.
Sometimes legacy applications still rely on either of both protocols. Next to that, we've also seen cases involving an extremely low bandwidth, high latency link (for example, on a boat) where POP3 was the better choice because the connection between the server and the client is closed once messages have been downloaded.
How to do it...
Since Exchange Server 2007, these protocols are not enabled out of the box anymore. This means that you'll have to enable the services manually if you want to start using them.
The following command will configure the POP3 service to start automatically and then start the service:
Set-service msExchangePOP3 -startuptype automatic Start-service msExchangePOP3
Configuring POP3 on the...