Assigning mailbox permissions
One of the tasks that you will be faced with is granting access to other user's mailboxes. Although this task could be expedited to your help desk by using RBAC, typically changing permissions isn't something that many companies allow to be done by a lot of people.
Getting ready
To complete the following steps, you will need to launch the Exchange Management Shell or log in to the Exchange Admin Center.
How to do it...
In this section we will learn about assigning mailbox permissions.
Assigning full access permissions to a mailbox
The following command will grant a user Mark Johnson
full access permissions to the mailbox of Ronald White
Add-MailboxPermission –Identity "rwhite" –user "exblog\mjohnson" –AccessRights "FullAccess"
Assigning full access permissions through the EAC can be done as follows:
Navigate to recipients | mailboxes.
Double-click on the mailbox you want to grant access to.
Click on mailbox delegation.
Click on the plus-sign (+) under Full Access.