Reducing posting steps with better Printing Control
When posting a transaction in Dynamics GP, a series of posting reports print by default. Reports are often set to ask for the type of output (printer, screen, or file) each time. In this scenario, each report opens a window allowing the user to change the report destination when the report is run. This significantly increases the amount of time it takes to simply start the printing process because the user has to make a choice multiple times. This means that it's not uncommon to have eight windows open and four reports print every time a user posts.
With this much mess, users often click through the prompts without actually reading them or they print reports that they don't really need and cancel reports they should print.
There is a better way. Reports can be turned off, routed only to the screen, or sent to file to save several minutes each time transactions are posted. In this recipe we'll see how to control printing during posting. For...