The .angular-cli.json file in the root of our project serves as a configuration file for our Angular-CLI application instance. We can customize these configurations manually by editing the file itself, but we can also read and write from it using the Angular-CLI commands get and set.
Configuring Angular-CLI project settings
How to do it...
Let's follow the steps below to learn how to read and write from our Angular application's configuration file using Angular-CLI:
- To get the name of an Angular-CLI application, we would use:
ng get
- You can see how the value maps to the content of our .angular-cli.json file:
"project": {
"name": "my-angular4-project"
- We can also write to this configuration file using the set command:
ng set
Note that any configuration changes here will not be picked up by live reload, and will require an entire restart of your Angular-CLI web server to be picked up by your application.