Installing the UI Toolkit package
Depending on which version of Unity you are using, the necessary UI Toolkit packages may not be installed. The version of the UI Toolkit that allows you to develop Editor UI comes packaged with all relatively recent versions of Unity; however, the version that allows you to also make runtime UI only comes with the most recent versions.
You can determine if you already have all necessary versions of the UI Toolkit package installed by going to Window | UI Toolkit. If the UI Builder submenu is not present or the UI Toolkit menu item is completely missing, you will need to import the package.

Figure 18.2: Determining if you have the UI Toolkit package installed
If you need to install the UI Toolkit, you can do so by importing the package from the git
URL. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the package manager with Window | Package Manager.
- Select the + button, then choose Add package from git URL...