Coloring – the comic book style
What I'm about to show you is my absolute favorite coloring method. And I'm going to confess, I hated coloring until I did a lot of experimenting, studying other people's methods, and trial and error to get this method down. Now I love my coloring, and I think that this technique is easy enough that anyone can do it so long as they have a basic understanding of the way that light and shadow fall. Here's an example of the results that you can get with this technique.

Maybe this style of coloring isn't your cup of tea. That's great, don't color in such a manner if you don't like it and if it doesn't fit your art. But reading about this technique might give you some insights or tips that could help you with your own work, so I'd urge you to continue reading.
The first thing that we're going to do for this coloring method is to set up some layers. Let's focus on page 3 of the Steven Strange comic...