This algorithm was proposed by Watkins (in Learning from delayed rewards, Watkins C.I.C.H., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1989; and further analyzed in Watkins C.I.C.H., Dayan P., Technical Note Q-Learning, Machine Learning 8, 1992) as a more efficient alternative to SARSA. The main feature of Q-learning is that the TD update rule is immediately greedy with respect to the Q(st+1, a) function:

The key idea is to compare the current Q(st, at) value with the maximum Q value achievable when the agent is in the successor state. In fact, as the policy must be GLIE, the convergence speed can be increased by avoiding wrong estimations due to the selection of a Q value that won't be associated with the final action. By choosing the maximum Q value, the algorithm will move towards the optimal solution faster than SARSA, and also, the convergence...