To persist data for our application, we will need a database. In Android, for offline data storage, you can use SQLite.
SQLite is supported out of the box, which means that it comes included with the Android Framework.
To persist data for our application, we will need a database. In Android, for offline data storage, you can use SQLite.
SQLite is supported out of the box, which means that it comes included with the Android Framework.
Benefits of SQLite are that it is powerful, fast, and reliable with a huge community that uses it. If you find any problem, it will be easy to find a solution since somebody from the community has most likely already solved such issues. SQLite is a self-contained, embedded, full-featured, public-domain SQL database engine.
We will use SQLite to store all our Todos and Notes. To do that, we will define our database, the mechanism for accessing it, and data management. We will not...