Group files
In your group you can also add "stuff" to share with everyone. The files you add to the group can then be used in group views or downloaded by the other group members. The group's file area works in exactly the same way as uploading your own file. Click on the Files tab in the group menu bar and have a go at uploading a file into the group.
Those who have an eagle eye will notice that there is a slight difference in the options for uploading a file to a group. You are given options for deciding what the permissions are for the file:

By default both Admin and Member are able to View, Edit, and Publish the file. If you want, you could decide to reduce the permissions to just allow group admins to see a file you upload; the choice is yours. This facility could come in very handy if you want to include progress reporting spreadsheets that only the tutors (but not the learners) get to see, for example.
If we set this possibility of fine-tuning access and permissions to one side, though...