Understanding ChefBot ROS launch files
We will discuss the functions of each launch files of the chefbot_bringup
: The main function of this launch file is to start nodes such aslaunchpad_node
to get sensor values from the robot and to send command velocity to the robot.keyboard_teleop.launch
: This launch file will start the teleoperation by using the keyboard. This launch starts thechefbot_keyboard_teleop.py
node to perform the keyboard teleoperation.3dsensor.launch
: This file will launch Kinect OpenNI drivers and start publishing RGB and depth stream. It will also start the depth stream to laser scanner node, which will convert point cloud to laser scan data.gmapping_demo.launch
: This launch file will start SLAM gmapping nodes to map the area surrounding the robot.amcl_demo.launch
: Using AMCL, the robot can localize and predict where it stands on the map. After localizing on the map, we can command the robot...