Chapter 10. Highcharts and Ext JS
This chapter starts with an introduction of Sencha's Ext JS. Since the Ext JS framework covers a broad range of features, it comprises of a large collection of classes. Therefore a quick start guide on a small set will be given, especially on the user interface components likely to be used with Highcharts. Then we will learn which Highcharts extension we have for Ext JS and how to create a Highcharts graph within Ext JS. We will also learn about a small set of APIs provided by the extension. After that we will use network data to build a simple application to demonstrate how the Ext JS components can interact with Highcharts. Finally, we will have a brief look at a commercial Ext JS application working together with Highcharts. In this chapter we will cover the following:
Introducing and giving a quick tutorial on Sencha Ext JS classes
Introducing the Highcharts extension for Ext JS
Demonstrating how to convert a working Highcharts configuration for the extension...