Chapter 1. Gather Your Cartographer's Toolbox
Welcome to the world of cartography with D3. In this chapter, you will be given all the tools you need to create a map using D3. These tools exist freely and openly, thanks to the wonderful world of open source. Given that we are going to be speaking in terms of the Web, our languages will be HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. After reading this book, you will be able to use all three languages effectively in order to create maps on your own.
When creating maps in D3, your toolbox is extraordinarily light. The goal is to focus on creating data visualizations and remove the burden of heavy IDEs and map-making software. The building blocks are as follows:
- Quick bootstrap: We will cover installing Node.js, npm, and a lightweight server.
- TopoJSON: We will see the working of this tool that is used to manage and optimize geographic information.
- Web browser as a development tool: We will learn how to use a modern web browser, capable of rendering SVG files with built-in development tools. Some examples of common web browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE 9+.
All screenshots and commands in this book have been done using Chrome. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to use this browser.
- Installing sample code: We will take the first steps in getting to grips with coding.
- Working with developer tools: We will get familiar with developer tools.