While some BRMS components, such as Drools Expert, Drools Fusion, and OptaPlanner, can be used as an individual JAR and be embedded in user applications, the Business Central management application, on the other hand, requires a Java application server to run. JBoss BRMS provides a package to run the suite using JBoss Application Server. Two installation methods are provided; either use the full BRMS Installer or patch an EAP Server installation with BRMS deployables. At the time of writing this chapter, the latest version of BRMS deployable is jboss-brms-6.4.0.GA-deployable-eap7.x.zip on the Red Hat developer portal. Unzip it on top of a JBoss EAP 7.0 to have a full BRMS platform:
#Install BRMS
$ unzip jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip -d brms
$ unzip -o jboss-brms-6.4.0.GA-deployable-eap7.x.zip -d brms/
#Create admin users
$ cd brms/jboss-eap-7.0/bin