Autosaving documents
Although Inkscape is a mature and stable software product, why take the risk of losing our work due to an unexpected, catastrophic event? The autosave feature takes away the need to manually save every now and then, letting us concentrate on our task. If a disaster should occur, we can revert to our most recent autosave, losing at worst 10 minutes of our time.
How to do it...
Follow these steps to enable autosave:
1. Create a folder somewhere on your system where you intend to keep the autosaved versions of your files.
2. Open File | Inkscape Preferences (Shift + Ctrl + P) | Save.
3. Tick the Enable autosave (requires restart) option.
4. Enter the number 5 into the Interval (in minutes): box.
5. In the Path: field, enter the relative path (to your home directory) or absolute path to the folder you created in Step 1.
6. Enter the number 10 into the Maximum number of autosaves: box.
7. Close Inkscape Preferences, close Inkscape, and restart it.
How it works...
We had to close the...