Customizing your place
Now you have reached the proverbial blank page. Time to customize the place before you start adding anyone or any files to it. Any owner of a place can do this section without any administrators or developers required.
Looking at the top-right corner of the screen, you will see some buttons under the search pane, and one that says Customize. Select this one and let's look at what we can do next.

You should now be looking at a window which has the following options, we have included the explanations for each item as well:

1. Basics—Choose a logo, reorder the table of contents, show or hide various items, select notification, mail-in, offline, and other options, delete the place.
2. Choose a Theme—Change the way your place looks. Choose an overall visual theme for it from a gallery of standard themes, plus any custom themes you have created.
3. Forms—Create custom forms for authors to fill out. Forms can have fields such as text, pop-up lists, and so on, and a workflow such...