Wow, you have come a long way in this chapter and book. You began with nothing but a mobile phone and a blue GPS dot. You traveled across the globe to Russia and found the life-juice at the Monkey Face. You grabbed some snacks by SLAMing your way through your Cimmerian dark home. You learned the difference between maps and localization, and the various types of each. You picked up some open source tools and lashed them to your adventure belt for future use.
You also learned how to apply the open source Cartographer on Ouster OS1-128 lidar sensor data, coupled with the built-in IMU to generate dense and tangible maps of some really nice townhomes that you manipulated using CloudCompare. Now you know how to create maps and can go out and map your own spaces and localize within them! The world is your Ouster (pardon me, oyster)! We can't wait to see what you build next with your creativity and knowhow!
We really hope that you enjoyed learning with us; we certainly enjoyed...