We will take this example forward and test the significance of the variables in a regression model:
Data Build Validation;
Set Model;
If Date lt '01Dec2017'd then output Build;
Else output Validation;
PROC REG DATA=build plots=diagnostics(unpack);
ID date;
MODEL stock = basket_index -- m1_money_supply_index;
The observations that have been used have decreased in the regression model. Previously, in the correlation procedure, we had 594 rows of data, which has now decreased to 564. We have called the new data the build data. The last 30 observations in the data have been left out of the model building process and have been put in a dataset called validation:
In the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table, the eight degrees of freedom refers to the eight independent variables that are available to estimate the parameters of predicting the dependent variable. Total...