Implementation of quicksort
The main task of the quicksort algorithm is to first place the pivot element in its correct position so that we divide the given unsorted list into two sublists (left and right sublists); this process is called the partitioning step. The partitioning step is very important in understanding the implementation of the quicksort algorithm, so we will understand the implementation of the partitioning step first with an example. In this, given a list of elements, all the elements will be arranged in such a way that elements smaller than the pivot element will be on the left side of it, and elements greater than the pivot will be arranged to the right of the pivot element.
Let’s look at an example to understand the implementation. Consider the following list of integers. [43, 3, 20, 89, 4, 77]
. We shall partition this list using the partition function:
[43, 3, 20, 89, 4, 77]
Consider the code of the partition function below; we will discuss...