What this book covers
Chapter 1, Networking Primer, will teach you about the networking concepts behind gRPC.
Chapter 2, Protobuf Primer, will help you understand how Protobuf is essential for efficient communication.
Chapter 3, Introduction to gPRC, will give you a feel for why gRPC is more efficient than traditional REST APIs.
Chapter 4, Setting Up a Project, will mark the start of your journey into the gRPC world.
Chapter 5, Types of gRPC Endpoints, will describe how to write unary, server streaming, client streaming, and bidirectional streaming APIs.
Chapter 6, Designing Effective APIs, will outline the different trade-offs when designing gRPC APIs.
Chapter 7, Out-of-the-Box Features, will go through the major features that gRPC provides out of the box.
Chapter 8, More Essential Features, will explain how community projects can make your APIs even more powerful and secure.
Chapter 9, Production-Grade APIs, will teach you how to test, debug, and deploy your APIs.