A mature technology
gRPC is not just another new cool framework that you can disregard as being a fad It is a framework that has been battle-tested at scale for over a decade by Google. Originally, the project was for internal use, but in 2016, Google decided to provide an open source version of it that was not tied to the specifics of the company’s internal tooling and architecture.
After that, companies such as Uber—and a lot more—migrated their existing services to gRPC for efficiency but also for all the extra features that it offers. Moreover, some open projects such as etcd, which is a distributed key-value store used at the core of Kubernetes, use gRPC for communication across multiple instances.
Recently, Microsoft joined the effort around building a .NET implementation of gRPC. While it is not the goal of this book to explain what it did, it clearly shows an interest in the project. Furthermore, the more that companies such as this are willing to...