Using the RF power meter software
If we open another SSH session and look at the $SLOTS
environment before running the attenuator software, we will see the following:

Before running the attenuator software
If we then run the software in Cloud9 IDE and again check the $SLOTS
environment, we will see that a number of additional slots have been added by the software:

Attenuator.js software running
The additional slots that configure the IO pins on connector P8 are added at the bottom. The JavaScript also added an override for the analog input AN0.
The next two screenshots show the code running in Cloud9 IDE. I have separated the code window from the HTML window so as to make the text more readable. When you run the IDE, the two windows will appear as one. The following screenshot shows the code window:

Cloud9 IDE screen
Beneath the code window is the output window that displays messages that would normally appear on your terminal device. Some are messages from the IDE and others are the messages you...