Assembling the PCB
The following diagram shows the component placement on the actual PCB, which is available for download from the Packt site.

Component placement on the PCB
The following diagram shows the top copper layer. This figure was included because it is important to show the pattern of vias placed on the board. This pattern ensures that there is a good connection between the top and bottom ground planes. If you decide to make your own board, you should do the same.

Top copper layer
The following image is of the finished PCB. The original design had two pi attenuators. As it turns out, only one was necessary, so your board will look slightly different. The jumper will not be present.

Finished prototype
You will notice that there is no solder mask or silkscreen on this PCB. This is a common practice of mine when building RF circuitry, because you never know when you will have to add decoupling or a shield.