About the Reviewers
Arturo Busleiman, most commonly known as Buanzo, is a young (born in 1982) security expert (or maniac, as you prefer) who has dedicated his life to security and, as such, has been learning and working non-stop since his first line of BASIC, at the early age of eight. Today, with a lovely wife and a wonderful son, Buanzo works with new technologies, and contributes to state-of-the-art of IT security as an independent security consultant, by talking at security conferences, dictating seminars, and developing new technologies, such as Enigform and mod_openpgp (see http://wiki.buanzo.org for more information).
As an independent IT consultant, Buanzo has no employees, but a large set of people he likes working with, from all over the world, who he prefers to call friends and associates. His main partner and best friend, Bryan Slatner, is an extremely talented programmer and analyst based in North Carolina, USA. Together, there's nothing they can't achieve. Feel free to visit http://www.buanzo.com.ar/pro/eng.html for more details.
Buanzo was lucky enough to have reviewed some great books,such as "Nmap", by Gordon Fyodor Lyon, (ISBN-10: 0979958717) and "Computer Security: Principles and Practice" by William Stallings, (ISBN 0136004245). Additionally, he has contributed to OISSG's Information System Security Assessment Framework (Unix security), SANS TOP-20 (2003-2008), and has written many articles for Linux and security publications, such as Sys Admin Magazine (USA), SoloLinux (Spain), Linux Users (Argentina) and 2600 (USA, using a pseudonym). He's a Project Leader of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).
As a member of the Audacity Team, he is in charge of system administration and security, occasionally commenting on development issues. Of course, he uses Audacity to record in his home studio. You can download some of his Audacity-recorded and mastered songs at http://blogs.buanzo.com.ar/futurabanda.
Adriano has become what he is now by both teaching himself and by paying others to do so. Although he has taken courses in Software Engineering, most of his experience in programming comes from his own interests. He's not yet a great programmer, but that's the general idea. He also has a grounding in Chemistry that started in a previous life. Adriano enjoys programming on both the LAMP and WAMP stacks, and does so for a living, creating and maintaining web applications. He wonders when will they add the Javascript J to those acronyms.