Exploring the Web and Internet domain – EuroSiS Web mapping study
In 2007, the EuroSiS mapping project was conceived. The project focused on mapping the interactions between Science in Society actors on the Web of 12 European countries. The mapping would thus reveal who are the most influential stakeholders in this network and who are the most active ones. In this recipe, we will use this network and explore it in Gephi.
Getting ready
To get started with this recipe, download the EuroSiS Web mapping study data from https://gephi.org/datasets/eurosis.gexf.zip. Once downloaded, unzip the downloaded file to obtain the EuroSiS Generale Pays file, which is in the GEXF graph file format.
How to do it…
The following steps describe how to analyze the EuroSiS data in Gephi:
Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the dataset and double-click on the
EuroSiS Generale Pays
file to load it in Gephi.In the Layout panel, select the ForceAtlas2 layout algorithm from the drop-down menu.
Select the Dissuade Hubs...